6 Painful Realities About Money That We Need Accept ASAP to Avoid Drama and Regrets in Life
Money is what makes the world go round.
Most people have not won the geographic lottery. Being born in a rich country like Canada. However, in today’s society, this is no longer a problem. Location-independent income solves that.
Money is much more than just economies. Money is time. Time is money.
When dealing with money, most people tend to go to one of two extremes: saying that money isn’t everything or dying trying to get rich.
While some prefer to put aside any thoughts about their financial situation, others are more or less constantly preoccupied with the question of how to make a lot of money.
These harsh realities about money no one can change.
#1 — Money can bring joy or sorrow at home
That is the law of life. If it doesn’t go right it goes left.
Money comes and goes and this nobody can change. You earn money and quickly you have to spend it.
Money affects our self-esteem and determines our status in the social hierarchy. Money means security and independence.
Lack of money quickly becomes a problem in any family, after all, money is the second leading cause of divorce. However, wealth also presents those affected with a multitude of challenges. Because prosperity must be preserved.
#2 — $1 saved is better than $1 earned
To have an extra dollar in my pocket, I have to earn almost two dollars if we take into account taxes and social security contributions.
The dollar saved, on the other hand, has already been taxed and is worth exactly one dollar.
#3 — If you don’t understand money, you will not have a financial empire
Healthy eating requires a certain know-how. Anyone who wants to progress in sports won’t get too far without a training methodology.
If you want to be happy in a long-term partnership, you need to cultivate a short-term relationship.
It is no different when it comes to money.
It takes a certain amount of time and energy to master your finances and develop an attitude that allows you to be relaxed about money.
#4 — More consumption forces you to earn more
Have a lifestyle in which you depend less on money, otherwise, you will always depend on your next salary or the payment from your clients. This way of life would also make me unhappy.
There are many ways to live well without worrying about money. Here is one.
#5 — Most of us will have to work for money until we are old
If you manage to save some of your income, sooner or later you will ask yourself: where do I put my savings?
Building wealth definitely makes sense. Not to get rich, but simply to have enough to live on later if you can no longer work for money or don’t want to.
Investing your money wisely is not rocket science, but it does require a certain amount of know-how.
#6 — Expensive lifestyle is healing for some and poison for others
Actively decide how much is enough. Ask yourself these specific questions:
How much money do I really need to live?
Am I satisfied with my standard of living?
Do I have everything I need?
Or is there a constant desire for more in me?
Do I perhaps even dream of becoming rich?
What are you willing to do (endure) for more money?
The background is this: the more we earn money and the older we get, we begin to have the desire to have a good life. Society is guilty of setting these material standards.
When the neighbor next door buys a house and drives a big truck, the thought almost automatically comes to mind: why shouldn’t I have one too?
The neighbor’s grass always looks greener, but we are human, we have good moments and not-so-good moments. It is the same with our Joneses neighbors.
Therefore it makes sense to define your maximum standard of living in the form of a concrete monthly budget that is sufficient for a life with which you are happy and satisfied.
Besides these harsh realities about money, society wants you to do something stupid with your money. Say no.