A Single Reason Why Spending Less Money Makes You Live Better Than Spending So Much Money
Even if you live in New York City or in Los Angeles.
Look at me.
I used to love canned food, ready-made pizza, and instant soup, along with McDonald’s meals. It tastes good. I would buy French fries and sausages without leaving my front porch.
I don’t think there is an ideal life. And nobody needs to tell people what they have to do with their money.
I don’t spend a lot of money on stuff. I can live without junk, anyway I don’t have much space where I live. A small closet that you can’t even stand in costs more than $200 a month in the house. No thanks.
Instead, I prefer to spend money on experiences.
Experiences and relationships with people with good energy are what move me.
I recognize that it is sometimes difficult for me to overcome the mental obstacle of spending money even on holidays and events.
I take more care of my health. Good health is hard to cultivate. The average person is not so healthy, especially in today’s society. For example, more and more people are overweight.
There is a reason why heart disease and stroke are among the leading causes of death. You will find useful tips everywhere on how to eat better and live healthier.
Two tablespoons of beans can increase your life expectancy
This is the only reason why spending little money makes you live better. Spend money on healthy food.
Doctors advise having plenty of greens and vegetables on your plate. Anyone who eats beans regularly from the age of 20 onwards can prolong their life and be healthier.
I avoid milk, cream, eggs, and cheese. I prefer soy, almond, or oat milk (all with no added sugar).
This is an interesting article on how to feed your brain better to reduce the risk of dementia.
Fast food and factory food destroy the brain.
More and more studies are coming to similar conclusions. So avoid hot dogs, hamburgers, sausages, French fries, cakes, candy, and ice cream.
You can remove carbonated soft drinks from your shopping list. This not only saves money but also improves your health.
By the way, most people drink too little water. Tea or tap water is healthier.
Work-life balance costs $0
It is just a matter of knowing when to work and when to enjoy time with the people you love most.
Work should not be above family.
First comes health, then comes family, and last comes work.
Many people think that it doesn’t matter what you eat. This is a fallacy. You are what you eat.
Everywhere you can look to balance your life. About work. Your salary should be adequate, and your workload should not be too extreme.
You can’t play around with work. And you shouldn’t mix your personal life with your work.
Take time off work and enjoy a sunset that you have never enjoyed before.
In brief, homegrown vegetables, rice, beans, salads, and water enrich your life. These things also pay off when building a financial empire. You save a lot of money. And you stay healthy.
What still often gets out of hand: there are people who have been accumulating hundreds of thousands of dollars in savings accounts for centuries.
It is crazy not to invest that much money intelligently over time. A simple index paper in the stock markets would be the best solution in this case.
Think for a moment about this lifestyle
I cook my meals at home, I still don’t buy things that are unimportant. I rarely buy something on Amazon, I don’t have a car, and I love public transportation.
Of course, I know that there are different ways of life and everyone has to find their own lifestyle and concept.
And to wrap up.
I don’t do everything perfectly, and I am constantly learning. We have different incomes, different lifestyles, different privileges, children or not, etc.
And that’s all fine.
Each of us lives as we can.
There is no mistake in doing what you want to do.