If anyone thought they were getting rid of me, they were wrong!
"Coffee For Retirement", the name under which I've been sharing my thoughts about money on the Internet for three years, is no more, but of course, I'm staying. Under a new domain and with new inspiration - but apart from that there will be a small change in content.
Welcome to This Is The Point!
This post is about renaming the newsletter. And why I'm doing it.
Substack has always reflected the place where I deal with money publicly - that's why I think the name "This Is The Point" is very cool. Here I invite you to learn, philosophize, and discuss together.
When I started writing on the Internet three years ago, I didn't believe for a second that I would be able to do it in the long term.
I thought this would be a six-month project, like my other previous hobbies. I wanted to give it a go, I thought I had nothing to lose. Writing and publishing give me a lot:
I can express myself creatively,
I reflect a lot more by writing,
I gain practical experience without it feeling like a job,
it gives me structure,
it's fun and motivates me and yes, it's probably one of the best ways to earn a bit of extra money as a student.
But I also discovered for myself that I could never have imagined it as a full-time job. As a hobby and one of several projects, writing newsletters and long-form stories is totally my thing, but if I had to finance my life with it - it would be through a paid subscription - which is why I chose Substack.
I'm a creature of habit and that goes for writing too. So as long as I live, I'll always write.
However, paid subscribers get another world:
Access to all the stories in the newsletter, old, new, and future.
Access to all the stories, opinions, and comments on finance and marketing that I write.
The opportunity to be my friend and chat with me online whenever you can.
Today, Coffee For Retirement has been rebranded as This Is The Point.
Rest assured, I'll still be writing about retirement. Coffee For Retirement will remain within This Is The Point.
The mission of This Is The Point, however, is bigger.
I want it to include commentary on my journey as a self-employed entrepreneur to 6 figures a year, writing tips, updates from the world of marketing, and how to master the art of money. Nothing stuffy, classic, or boring - that's not how I write - just interesting and actionable articles.
I'll also be writing about retirement. I'll be writing stories about semi-retired people. I want to bring in guest writers and generally keep them entertained.
I'm starting with some of my most popular articles originally published behind Medium's paywall. The first article will be with you today.
As with Coffee For Retirement, I plan to distribute some content and some with paid access. Free subscribers - you - will still receive at least one story a month, as well as other occasional posts.
Since you're already a free subscriber to Coffee For Retirement, I want to make you an offer. 30% off your subscription to This Is The Point, which equates to US$4.90 per month or US$48.30 per year.
Or you can take advantage of my new founding member plan. $111 will give you all the benefits of a paid subscriber, as well as access to a private Telegram group of independent entrepreneurs.
I hope you'll keep following me on This Is The Point for the next 10 years!
Welcome to This Is The Point. I hope you enjoy it here.
If you have any questions or comments, just let me know.
All the best,