Days ago I went to an anniversary party and talked to a very young, newlywed couple, who are about to build their own house (100% eco-friendly construction — all wood and cork, etc.). So I asked just a few questions, like “Is this more of a romantic or economic decision?”, but the two were mentally well beyond the point of no return when it came to building a house.
From there I realized that I am a cynical idiot. However, I stopped trying to convince people of anything. Each to his or her own.
When I was in high school, this discarded trait sometimes led to difficult discussions where all the combatants ended up getting very upset and not speaking to each other for weeks. It’s not good either.
Aggressive arguments almost always lead to a totally defensive attitude on the part of the other party. No matter how good and correct my arguments are, they are counted as an attack and the attack is simply followed by defense and defense.
Today I only praise.
No matter what you do. This leads to a pleasantly warm feeling in the pit of the stomach on both sides and you continue to love each other. A contradiction, but there is something about harmony.
What I mean and what the promised one understands is somehow always two pairs of boots. It has the advantage that I can maintain my cynicism without taking people to the curb.
I have examples of this.
A friend buys a $50,000 Mustang on credit. I say a great car, it suits you and the girls really like this model.
A friend books a two-week cruise in Sicily, Italy. I say nice, you and your girlfriend will see many things there and the food on the ship must be very good.
A former schoolmate buys a house, with no equity. I say the best time to do it, is with low-interest rates and if you take inflation into account, you save money, so to speak.
My aunt saves all her money in residential savings contracts. I say, Hey, this is super safe and has some percentages of course, and if you want to remodel or build, that’s fine.
My mom is building a big heated swimming pool in the backyard, with concrete and a backhoe. I say, Mom, you think ahead, climate change and all that! Besides, swimming is healthy. It also increases the value of the house.
I also like to encourage people to eat or gain weight. People should also eat well and a lot.
Now, if you want to buy the bro’s currency, Bitcoin because of FOMO — fear of missing out, I say go for it.
If you want to buy Starbucks every time you go out on the street, I say, very nice this lifestyle.
If someone thinks about buying an expensive gadget, I am the first to argue that you should take care of yourself. You really can’t have enough stuff.
When it comes to health I say take care of yourself, when it comes to money I say do what you want. Each to his own.
Your job, your financial situation, your financial happiness.
This article is for informational purposes only. It should not be considered Financial or Legal Advice. Not all information will be accurate. Consult a financial professional before making any major financial decisions.