Fall in Love with Your Personal Finances. Fall in Love with Having a Good Financial Situation.
Create a good financial vibe.
I still remember like it was yesterday when my friends and I were discussing flights and accommodations for a group trip at the end of 2021. One friend admitted that she wanted to wait longer to buy the tickets because the prices were too high for her at the time. Another group member liked my choice of Airbnbs because they were all within budget.
When I was in school, I knew if someone had an allowance or not just by looking at the snacks someone bought during recess. At school time, it was also a little strange to talk about our family’s financial situation because it revealed which families depended on government support.
Nowadays open money conversations are like music to my ears. It is part of my business. I like writing about it.
Knowing that my friends trust me enough to be honest about financial matters offsets any sense of disappointment that we can’t hang out together.
After all, talking about finances and money is not exactly easy.
I just want people in my circle of friends to be able to openly admit that they are too broke for anything right now, instead of avoiding me out of shame or fear that I will judge them.
I think it is better for them to postpone plans until they are financially better off than to spend what little money they actually have now.
Therefore, they can’t fully enjoy our moments together and the negative consequences of not doing what we wanted to do will soon come.
Always saying “No” or “Unfortunately this is not possible at the moment” to my friends is not a strategy to end our friendship. I am perfectly fine with that.
After all, being short on money is no stranger to me and I know I can be just as honest if I’m the one to postpone plans, take a break, or prefer to throw the money somewhere else profitable.
I’ve realized that being honest with friends about financial matters is not the easiest thing in the world.
For heaven’s sake. Whether money is a sensitive subject or not depends a lot on how your circle of friends views your financial situation. And it depends on how easy or difficult it is for friends to start talking about money and business.
A lot of it also stems from family financial habits.
There really is no magic guide on how best to put financial limits on each other. You just have to do it.
Maybe in the form of a joke in part, but really a serious message to friends explaining what you can and cannot afford now, or a question to find out how other people in your circle of friends are surviving financially.
The hardest part is to start being honest about your finances. It leads to disappointment. It creates drama.
As we get older and we all become more serious about our respective financial situations or take more responsibility for our aging parents.
Deciding not to participate in beautiful moments with friends for financial reasons is anything but easy and I still find it extremely difficult every time.
So let’s stop spending money unnecessarily. Let’s spend it only on special moments. To create a good vibe.
Selected Meme Of The Day
This article is for informational purposes only. It should not be considered Financial or Legal Advice. Not all information will be accurate. Consult a financial professional before making any major financial decisions.