Forget Your Job or Business, Your Bank Account Balance Depends on How You Think
Your money mind makes you build or destroy your financial empire.

There are behaviors and thoughts that make you lose money. Or thoughts that make you not make any more money.
Investing in the stock market and betting only in the short term makes you lose wealth in the long term.
Settling for just a corporate job and not taking a side hustle online makes you lose geographical freedom, emotional freedom, and money freedom.
So how does the way you think have to do with your money account balance?
A lot.
Good things happen more often to people of good energy. Less good moments happen for people who see only bad. It’s the same with money.
Your money mind makes you build or destroy your financial empire
Money is not a bad thing. We need it for our economic system and our lives. Money saves lives.
The way we think about money also determines our actions.
Thinking well about money can not only increase our bank balance, but we can also do good in the world.
Do more than you think.
You know what you want and make fewer mistakes.
You don’t sulk on Mondays.
You can look for successful people to help you take your financial empire to the top.
You can make better use of time.
This is not only about money reserves
Your attitude towards life, and the way you view the new and the unknown, make all the difference.
If you think capitalism is bad and go through life with this attitude, you will not have an easy life when it comes to money. Because that mindset doesn’t just influence your bank balance, but your mental health.
If you think that others always have more than you and you can’t change anything, nothing will change. Your mind is crucial to your life, in any situation.
The biggest misunderstanding about money
Many say that the more income you have, the greater your expenses are. This is not completely correct.
We only spend more money when we have more available. And that is the big problem with this story. This is the wrong money frame of mind.
If you have more money on hand, you should start by squeezing more percentages into reserves. Don’t just spend more in general, invest your money. In yourself, in funds, in continuing education, etc.
Distinguish the terms: spend money and invest money.
Not understanding taxes makes you lose money
Many people pay too much tax without knowing it. This is not just for the self-employed, freelancers, or solo entrepreneurs, but for everyone.
We all pay taxes and there are some ways to pay less. Find an accountant and invest the money to pay less taxes.
Attentive business owners pay less tax. But corporate employees can also save taxes by filing income tax returns, dealing with the tax class (especially for couples), and/or the child allowance.
In addition, more can often be deducted from tax than we think.
You can save money by claiming not only to work clothes, but also paper and office supplies, groceries, makeup, hygiene items, or various software programs.
Of course, you have to figure this out in advance, but it’s worth going the extra mile. Because in the end you simply have more on hand.
There are countless legal ways to pay less tax.
Great mind = $$$
Our habits and thoughts guide our entire life. Therefore, a big-money mindset is essential to have abundance, wealth, and optimism.
The positive attitude towards money is an abandoned secret weapon. Pick it up and use it.
Value your own worth and work and don’t have a guilty conscience.
If you want to make more money you need to act now.
With a great money mind, you can create a wonderful life for yourself and help the world.
This article is for informational purposes only. It should not be considered Financial or Legal Advice. Not all information will be accurate. Consult a financial professional before making any major financial decisions.