Here’s Why I Want to be Financially Free
The pressure of not having financial freedom is enormous and limits your ability to act.

How many months could you live without reducing your spending level and if you quit your job today? To answer the question, you only need to do some calculations, but surely you already have a rough figure in mind.
The answer will give you the measure of your financial freedom, which is your safety cushion to face unforeseen events or to be able to make relevant decisions in your life, such as starting a business or pursuing a professional change.
When your financial freedom is small (for example, six months), so is your safety net, and any unforeseen event can mean the difference between having or not having money and being able to maintain your standard of living or having to change it drastically.
The pressure of not having financial freedom is enormous and limits your ability to act.
If you are fired from your company or if you have any problems, your finances won’t stand up to the challenge, and you always live with the fear of “What if…”.
Things change when your financial freedom is several years. The pressure goes down and you are freer. But don’t confuse financial freedom with a lot of money.
Financial freedom goes beyond this. Money will allow you to buy things like one or more houses, luxury cars, and even yachts or private planes. But when you buy and have many things, you also have many expenses associated with your lifestyle.
The Advantages of Financial Freedom
Being financially free is better than having a lot of money because it implies freedom to choose, to do, to decide … These are the great advantages of having financial freedom.
You Work on What You Like
We spend half the day at work, almost more time than at home if we add travel and subtract hours of sleep, and its impact on our life and perception of happiness is enormous.
Yet many still attend reluctantly, forced by the need to receive a salary at the end of the month and afraid of being fired. When you have financial freedom, things are very different.
Since you know that you have a stable financial life, you can only work on what you want and are not obliged to say yes to every project or job that is presented to you.
In other words, you become more selective because your finances allow you to be, and you also become more aware of the jobs you really like because you can stop and think about them. Work stops being an obligation and becomes a motivator.
You Have More Professional Success
When you have financial freedom, you are more yourself and less your fears. You are more proactive at work because you are not thinking about what might happen if you make a mistake or please your boss, but about doing your best and giving your best. Even if you are your own boss, you will see how your ideas flow more and better.
You Live Where You Want
When you have financial freedom, the fear of change disappears. If the opportunity arises to travel to another country for work, you can do it because you have a safety net that supports your decisions. You have room for error, and you can try. Your current job does not determine where you should live.
Also, as you live more peacefully, you have a better view of your true housing needs. In other words, you are able to really know what living in one place or another brings you.
You Have no Stress or Fear of Losing Your Job
When you don’t have financial freedom, you depend on your job, and this is an added burden that can weigh you down like a stone. If you lose your job or the company closes down, you have little room to fix things, and it won’t be long before you see everything very dark.
When your financial freedom is several years, you know you have time to research and even to train and change industries. In other words, that fear is gone.
You Can Set Out to Realize Your Dreams
Entrepreneurship, take a year off to find yourself, change professional sectors … Financial freedom allows you to go after your dreams and pursue what really matters to you in life.
You Are Assured of a Golden Retirement
Having financial freedom implies being able to maintain your standard of living without income, and this also affects retirement. You can build the retirement of your dreams because you know exactly what you need and because you are walking part of that path with each day of freedom you gain.
You Can Take a Vacation Whenever You Want
Financial freedom allows you to disconnect from work anytime and also however you want. If you need a year’s sabbatical, you can get it.
The confidence that your safety net gives you also transfers to the work and professional level.
You Never Suffer From Money Problems
Since having financial freedom is about much more than money, it is no longer a problem. You no longer have to look at your checking account because you know what your financial cushion is, but also the slab that may not be in control of your finances.
You Secure Your Children’s Future
If you have done your calculations correctly, your children will be part of your financial freedom and will be able to study how and where they choose. You can give them the best education and make sure they have all the alternatives open to them.
But most importantly, they will have lived with a healthy and sustainable money management model, where capital is not an end but a means and where there is no room for over-indebtedness, among other things.
You Enjoy Life More
In the end, financial freedom eliminates money-related fears at the root, and without that worry in your mind, you can focus on what you really enjoy and what interests you.
The effect is that you enjoy life more because you are not thinking about money or what it will be like in financial terms. If your mind is free to dream, it is also free to be happy.