Ignore All the People Who Tell You to Leave the Corporate World. They’re Lying
I keep ignoring them

The closer I get to financial freedom the less I want to quit my corporate job.
I used to be a fisherman, stored goods, handed out flyers, sold tailored clothing, and was a web coder in a startup.
Now I help myself and others to have more joy, freedom, and success in life and money deals. Not much profit yet, but I’m good because I do and I trust myself.
The 9-to-5 job seen from the outside is scary
I don’t know what it feels like to do the same office job for 40 years. Because it hurts me to see those people. I think they are suffering. Or that they have suffered a lot to still be there.
There are people around me who have the classic 9-to-5 job. People who really want to and can do something else.
People who are talented and productive. People who sell themselves below their market value. People who have not dared to live their true selves.
This doesn’t make any sense to me.
You hate Monday and love Friday
This is the hottest phrase in the corporate world: “ F*ck Monday” and “Thank God it’s Friday”.
Why do you seek a job where you already look forward to Friday? Why are you torturing yourself?
You are just wasting your life in this way.
The money earned in the corporate world does not pay all the bills
After 5 years of hard work, there is still no salary increase. For the past years, you have been leaving home day after day to be at work on time and stay as long as your boss asks.
Maybe the salary increase will come soon. But how much will it be, $100 or $500?
Do you really care?
You are selling your time at a bargain price
The time you’ll never get back.
In the morning you torment yourself, at night you heal yourself. It’s always scary to see how many people have to get up in the morning to get out of bed and go to work. As if someone is pointing a gun at them.
After the work is done, you come home exhausted, and you think, I’m finally going to rest, and then you lie down on the couch.
Same game the next day. Keep playing if you like it. If not, there are other games.
Games that you can simply not follow anyone’s rules. You set your own rules. You take a break whenever you want. You work anytime, anywhere.
The only thing you love about your work from 9 to 5 is what’s outside of work. It’s dinners, company events, and the end of the day. Are these the things you love most about your job?
If that’s the biggest part for you, that’s fine. Don’t stress, just change your thoughts, habits, and actions. Dare something new.
Don’t have rules, play your game, be at peace, and that’s it
It is not my intention to demean corporate work, to generalize the whole thing, or to describe my work as the best in the world.
Instead, it is important to me that you, become aware and at best, do what has to be done. Or keep playing.
It is your choice. You don’t have to do what others ask or expect of you. You can do what you want with all your heart.
If you enjoy your 9-to-5 job, great. You don’t have to quit your job completely, but a reflection can do you good.
Ignore all the people who tell you to quit your 9-to-5 job
Think about what makes sense for you. It doesn’t matter how, where, or what. It is important that you first think about what makes sense to you. In personal life, in corporate work, and in business.
A simple list of “I hate” and “I love” is enough to get a clear picture of your life.
Use this list like water in the desert.
What do you love? What can you do? What do you still want to do?
Follow what you love and radically remove the step by steps or anything you hate. It can be people, things, activities, or habits. Think about solutions instead of problems.
Do what you love and create a good life, a job that makes sense to you, and a positive environment.
And if you think now: “Yes, but…”, keep doing it until the “Yes, but…” disappears.
Decide for you, for your life, and for the work that only makes sense for you.
Work or money?
There are many ways to make money. But doing what you love, are you doing it?
I am.
You should too.