Just Saving Will Not Make You More Money. I Just Follow These 10 Money Habits
Not everyone can invest. That’s OK.
Investing money in stocks is not for everyone. It hurts to know this, but it is the naked truth.
So I focus only on principles that help me stay on track.
I like to set those rules to be okay with myself.
Obviously, the money rules can also change in the course of life, depending on the phase.
The best bet you can make in life is to invest in yourself. Personal investment is better than investing in any investment fund.
Good physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental health is the result of investing in yourself. And it is better than being like a fat uncle full of money who sleeps from hotel to hotel every Friday.
Spending money to feel good is also better than being like Warren Buffett, who is worth more than $100 billion and eats fast food and drinks coke.
Making so much money that I only work with people I like
I spend all my energy here.
I want to work with people who I root for and who root for me. Who are motivated, want to grow, want to try new things, and are solution oriented. With whom I am in the same tune. Where there is synergy.
There are people for whom this is not the case and who then pull me down energetically and I don’t want that.
Of course, you need to have the luxury of rejecting clients because you don’t think it suits you.
Health first. Never economize here
When it comes to health, sports and nutrition, I don’t pay attention to the price. I am perfectly happy to spend the money on it.
I pay for very good private health insurance. And if necessary, I pay for naturopaths or blood tests out of my own pocket.
I know that’s total luxury. But that’s what I worked for.
Nobody is poor enough not to help their neighbor financially
I donate a portion of my income to two non-profit organizations. One for the environment and one for social causes. For this, I make a financial transfer to the second week of every month to both organizations.
I feel good about this.
I think this is a great feeling, to give my money and not expect or receive anything in return.
It has a lot to do with mentality: I give my money without receiving anything in return because I have the basic confidence that I will always have enough money.
I never read money books anymore
Money books are out of vogue. They only preach the same gospel. Earn, save and invest. I threw all the books in the basement. I focus only on scalable income.
When it comes to education, there is no spending limit for me. I don’t think twice before I take out a subscription to an online magazine, a newsletter, or a podcast.
For example, I spent a lot of money training this year. The return on investment is exorbitant. Nowhere are the returns as great as the investments to be smarter and in human capital itself.
I don’t look at the price in the restaurant. Not anymore
I used to look at the price in the restaurant quite often and often took the cheapest meal.
It’s different today.
When I am in a restaurant, I don’t look at the price anymore. I take what I feel because good food is important to me. It’s a luxury I allow myself. I can afford it and I am generous with myself.
I don’t skimp on comfort and convenience
This money rule cost me an effort.
It’s all about what makes my life easier in the moment. For example a cab instead of taking the train at night.
I don’t trade my time for money
If it’s a 1:1 time-to-money exchange, then I won’t do it.
I mean getting paid by the hour or day, for example, for money talks or one-on-one coaching via Video Call or DM on Instagram and Telegram.
I make products for money. I focus on creating products that are scalable. My product is what I write online. And my newsletter.
Quality always wins
If I can choose between two things, I choose quality.
I look at value for money, but also at what will last the longest. I usually keep the things I buy for a long, long time.
Spread your legs, relax and enjoy
More motivation will not make you more money, it is a discipline that will put you a thousand years ahead.
Spending money wisely is the watchword here. Take care of money in a relaxed way and don’t let it stress you out too much.
Don’t get tense when things are not going so well.
Be real with the real bros
Invite friends over for dinner or buy them nice gifts. Don’t wait for Christmas or a special occasion. Do it today. Do it now.
I don’t want to save on gifts. I don’t want to be stingy. I like to give gifts. I am generous to others, but also to myself.
For me, this is the balance between saving and spending money.
I also indulge myself once in a while and drive to a better hotel.
I prefer champagne over sparkling wine, if there is something to celebrate, then we really celebrate.
Life is good.