Making Money Is Good. Saying No to Society to Live Without Financial Pressure Is Better.
Live without permission. Live without pressure.
Friday or Saturday, the two days when you sometimes go out with friends. But for me, I ended up spending so much money that it’s no longer fun.
For example, on February 14th of this year, I was at the pre-opening of a new club. We are a group of 3 friends who are really wasting a lot of money. We all drank 2–4 bottles of vodka + orange juice.
You can imagine that a bottle like that costs 50 euros + juice and + the little shots you drink in between are not exactly cheap either.
I spend an average of 100 euros per night. I go out 3 nights a month. This new club was in a state of emergency. I overdid it so much that my bill is 300 euros less on the bill. But I was also very, very served (well, sometimes it happens) that I didn’t care about the money.
It was fun and I just wanted to have a great night out with friends. But now I think to myself, I could have spent only 100 euros.
I was wrong to think that you always have to use the money to have a good time.
When you want something and are sure of it, everything flows much easier, sometimes it even seems magical. This is where the money comes in. Spending to live well.
Living without worrying about money means saying no to society. A roof, bed, and good food on the table are enough to live well. Live without financial pressure.
What happens, is that we live a life we have learned by acting in a specific way, not allowing us to be who we really are.
Criticizing and judging ourselves harshly for everything we don’t do, can’t do, and are not.
This voice that screams and limits us every day is what really prevents us from achieving any goal.
This voice is society screaming at you to buy a house. That you need to find a job from 9 to 5.
When you don’t spend money, you are not attractive to women. Most women like men who waste unnecessary money.
When we learn to silence it and listen to our authentic voice, we are filled with love and inspiration.
This is something we can all achieve, we all have this power, we just have to learn which tools to use to start silencing the critical mind and connect with our intuition.
The patterns we inherit from our parents, society, and the limiting beliefs we have acquired throughout our lives. All of these create money blocks in us. The pressure to do with your money what everyone else does with their money.
The vast majority of our limitations were created between the ages of 0 and 6, leading us to react in a certain way as adults, living life as if on autopilot, and accepting what we have to do.
And what we cannot change because there is an ingrained collective belief. People just want a normal job and to retire traditionally. They are not making more money. They are losing purchasing power. They are going into debt to look good in front of society.
This all creates emotional blocks. These blocks come when instead of saying no, you say yes to goods that you buy dearly but will only use once.
The first step is to become aware of who you really are and that is not who you learned to be, once you put a light in the dark everything lights up.
Once you have taken that first step, everything will depend on the commitment you have to yourself to really be your best version.
Money is an energy, when there is a blockage in you, financial problems are one of the consequences that you suffer.
The financial situation is a reflection, it is a mirror of something that is in you and that must be changed to achieve that freedom.
Have a lifestyle that you need less money to live. Say no to society.
You will break quickly if you don’t learn to say no.
This article is for informational purposes only. It should not be considered Financial or Legal Advice. Not all information will be accurate. Consult a financial professional before making any major financial decisions.