Save Money Where It Doesn't Hurt. Spend Money On Moments That Make You Better.
Now it's worth it.
I've been trying to save money for years. But without success.
I've tried to keep a household book, I've used apps for that or an Excel spreadsheet. I tried to save money by cutting my expenses. I skipped the coffee at the train station. I went out less often and had one or two fewer beers at the bar. It was no fun and not successful for a long time.
After a few years of saving without success, I questioned my behavior and those around me.
We are always trying to save money by giving things up and we don't feel good about it.
Saving feels like a punishment because you have to give up things you have gotten used to and that seem important to you (even if they are not important to you).
Instead of spending $1,000 a month, some suddenly try to spend only $300. Why?
This makes life unnecessarily difficult and the change is not sustainable. After a few days, you get bored and give it all up.
If you really want to save money you have to do it differently. You have to trick your brain.
Save Where It Doesn't Hurt
Because if you only spend your money on things that really mean something to you, you can save on everything else without feeling like a sacrifice.
By spending your money consciously, you will enjoy it much more and at the same time save money in the long run and in a sustainable way.
I know what is important to me and there are things that I am very happy to spend my money on. Those expenses don't hurt me. Travel, concerts and festivals, and cosmetics to take care of my long hair. I am happy with that.
You need to know where your money is going to make a difference. But you don't necessarily have to keep a household book and write down all the expenses.
Financial Happiness Is What Matters
I try to enjoy my life and only want to do things that make me really happy. Don't just think about tomorrow.
For me, money is just a means to be able to do things that make me happy. So besides your savings plans and your money market account, you should always think about another investment: investing in yourself!
Consider traveling or learning a new language. How much is this worth to you in the future?
Make new experiences or help others who are not doing as well as you. When you invest in yourself, the return for the future is unlimited.
If you just save money without a specific goal, without knowing what you want to do with the money, you will not be happy.
Saving can also quickly become a bad habit, namely when we become stingy and no longer even spend money on things that mean a lot to us.
Make yourself aware of what is important to you and what you would like to experience. It doesn't have to be a trip, just pick a few items from your wish list, calculate an approximate cost, set a time goal, and start saving for it.
Save the right amount and the right things.
Saving too much is a real luxury problem that you should recognize first. Habits come quickly and a frugal lifestyle can quickly become a stingy one.
If you are living on little money and your savings rate is too high, then you should not save everything just for retirement.
Think about what is really important to you in your life and use your money for that too, today and not just tomorrow.
This article is for informational purposes only. It should not be considered Financial or Legal Advice. Not all information will be accurate. Consult a financial professional before making any major financial decisions.
Really inspiring, and a good way to save money