Stop Blaming Yourself for Spending the Money You Save. This Feeling Only Makes You Stupid
Take this pill to avoid regrets and drama

Has this ever happened to you?
You go to the supermarket, pass through the aisles, and come across the candy area. You take about 5 candies because “that’s what you work for”.
You go to an ATM to get cash, but suddenly you go to a clothing and shoe store right around the corner and it’s easy for you to use your credit card to buy those limited edition pants and sneakers because “you deserve it.
You go to a top 10 restaurant in the city with your friends and start ordering a lot of snacks and drinks to liven up the atmosphere because “you only live once (YOLO) and you have to enjoy the moment”.
You want to go out every Saturday night with your date and spend more than you have because “you only live once.
You decide to buy that car of your choice because you have worked hard and deserve to give yourself that treat.
Welcome to the social matrix.
Turn off the “Stupid” mode to activate the “Good Life” mode
Get off the autopilot.
To what extent is it “a taste” and to what extent is it a purchase to fill some existential void?
Many are still in constant search of pleasure and consuming is perceived as a way to achieve happiness.
The old story is that money buys happiness.
Sometimes you feel dissatisfied with life situations and you compensate for this with shopping moments.
You get carried away and convinced super fast by the bombardment of Instagram and perceive consumption as a way to success and good life. To feel equal.
You have come to feel that social recognition is only achieved by what you have and not what you are.
These thoughts are more common than you think.
I have experienced this feeling myself.
All of us, at some point in our lives, have thought about it. The key here is to dissolve these thoughts because none of them are real.
Buying as a remedy to relieve a non-existent pain is stupidity
Many people still feel for a moment that they do something that fulfills them.
They make absurd purchases (limited edition clothes, expensive toys, expensive trips).
What happens is: that we find something we like, we acquire it, and we fill the void. For a while.
It’s like when you buy chewing gum and chew it. It tastes delicious for a few minutes, but over time the gum loses its flavor and then you need another and another and another.
It is the same with shopping, the sensation disappears as soon as you chew a little.
Take this pill to avoid regrets and drama
Don’t be too hard on yourself.
Just recognize what attitudes you have that will not lead to financial success.
Too often you have protected yourself behind “I deserve it”, “I work hard”, “This is what I work for”, and “There is only one life”.
Don’t try to convince yourself that you can handle everything at once.
Stop spending like a crazy old man.
Sooner or later, all these impulsive actions will make you deserve poverty.
Your future self also deserves a yummy lifestyle.
Continue to pamper yourself, but leave room for your future self
Buying and spending on what makes you happy is the worst excuse for spending money.
But always stop and ask yourself:
Will this thing I’m buying satisfy me or is it really a well-thought-out purchase?
Shopping only gives us a moment of pleasure and in which you can relapse, plus the feeling of guilt for buying again.