The #1 Money Game Worth Playing To Live Well. To Stress Less. To Worry Less About Money
Here’s how to live without worrying about money.
When are you going to get a real job so you can retire well?
I hear this all the time.
But sometimes the essential question arises: what’s the point of it all? Does it make sense? What is the meaning, more precisely the meaning of life?
Make money, save money, invest money, go on vacation, work, and spend time with family and friends…
Where are the priorities, what should you do? Especially if you don’t want to regret anything later.
What to do with your life?
Work, earn money, and do nothing else?
Over the years, I could discover for myself that communication gives meaning to life.
Communication with other people. Communication with family, friends, and love partners. Taking care of pets.
I see people communicating on WhatsApp and Telegram. They don’t want to sit next to each other.
At the same time, the question arises: when is enough?
When will there be enough money, the business big enough, enough profit, and enough turnover?
The more you wonder, the more questions arise instead of answers.
It’s strange.
It’s as if the human mind is not allowed to know a definitive answer.
A dry branch breaks easily when bent. A healthy branch on a tree is elastic, flexible, and hard to break.
Returning to the answer to the meaning of life, I believe you will never find it.
Only an approach that will never be reached will be the best possible answer we can find for ourselves.
Where money plays a role in all these issues is hardly a problem for me anymore.
Just as I need not think about breathing the air. Money should remain as invisible as possible.
Money should not play a big role, it should do a job like the air that fills our lungs with oxygen.
Now it gets philosophical.
The feeling of chasing after the money comes from us humans separating work and life. We say I am working or I am free, but both are the same thing. Because it is life.
Life doesn’t discriminate against what you do. Life happens now. Not after.
Whether you are sick in bed, playing video games, working, scrolling through Twitter or just eating. All this is life.
The separation we make within ourselves simply categorizes and classifies certain activities.
If this separation slowly dissolves within us, we will perceive life as it is. And we are constantly doing something, which exactly is not important at first.
We are just doing something.
Once you understand that we just do things, it is easier to understand that work is just about doing something. It doesn’t matter what it is.
The trick is to do things that are rewarding and fun.
Some find it faster than others, but it’s not a race. Those who find it early are lucky. So am I. I am grateful to have found what I enjoy so early.
I just do it, I don’t work or have time off, I just do it and enjoy life.
This game is worth playing.
This article is for informational purposes only. It should not be considered Financial or Legal Advice. Not all information will be accurate. Consult a financial professional before making any significant financial decisions.