Talking about money was a forbidden thing at the dinner table when I was younger.
When I was growing up, looking for my first job, and earning my first income, nobody told me much about money. Least of all my parents.
Even though I had a degree in economics, nobody ever taught me how to work with money.
The total money in the Central African Republic is about $534 million. Amazon’s Jeff Bezos has a net worth of $111 billion. And that’s for someone who once just wanted to open a bookstore. It shows how getting rich doesn’t have to be a utopia.
Money, A Love Story: Untangle Your Financial Woes and Create the Life You Really Want by Kate Northrup
Money is like a lover you want but can’t forget.
The book Money Love Story shows you the behavior patterns that most prevent you from earning or saving more money.
As with your money love affairs, you need to plan so that relationships and money stay fresh and don’t drag you down.
Every plan has a goal, for love relationships that goal ends with someone taking off their panties, for some with marriage, and for others with aging together.
You also need to look at your financial assets — some you can sell quickly, others are vital to you, and the author of the book herself shows how she managed to get out of debt and how she learned to be financially independent.
How to Be Poor by George Mikes
“I’d like to live as a poor man with lots of money.”— Pablo Picasso
With the book How to Be Poor, you embark on an ironic and humorous journey that criticizes the world of money, and the ownership of large estates.
The book shows us what to avoid in order not to become rich by some accidental accident.
A Random Walk Down Wall Street by Burton G. Malkiel
Here you will learn how to navigate the stock market. You will understand how investment strategies really work.
You will know how to guide and evaluate the return on stocks and bonds, as well as insurance, home ownership, real estate investment trusts, or even tangible assets such as collectibles.
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth. Think Rich to Get Rich by T. Harv Eker
What makes this one of the best books on how to make money is the fact that it starts not with methods, but with ways of thinking.
Times change, but millionaires always seem to think the same way.
This is a book that can change your life, you will learn how millionaires think and what subconscious principles they use.
T. Harv Eker reveals why some are destined to become rich and how the blueprints of their existence were mentally created for them at a young age.
As one of the best books on money, it is full of practical ideas, insights, and strategies that will allow you to adjust your own financial plan.
Free Money Works by Rutger Bregman
The book Free Money for All shakes up the classic mindset of our capitalist system.
According to Rutger Bregman, this view is shaped by a status quo that stubbornly tries to preserve established value, when in fact it is not of this age.
In times of innovation, robotization, and automation, he does not agree with the fact that wealth goes to those who own the robots. He indicates that such a view is based on the previous idea that more hours of work yield more money. He advocates a world where technology and innovation work for everyone, not just its owners.
The book provides economic handles that fit contemporary reality.
It is a utopian book about basic income, free money for the poor, shorter working hours, 15-year careers, and prosperity for all.
This good book about basic income and shortened working hours should not be read as a blueprint but gives a unique insight into slowly evolving processes that could completely change money in the future.
It helps you to be critical of our society and how it all works. And that makes it arguably one of the best books on money.
You Are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero
You Are a Badass at Making Money is a bestseller by New York Times bestselling author Jen Sincero.
As one of the best books about money, this is the book you need if you spend more time looking at the money in your bank account than the money you spend.
It is one of the typical books on making money and shows how you can get more money from your bank card with some life-changing concepts.
Jen Sincero writes all of this from her personal experiences. In a few short years, she went from living in a converted garage to a life of absolute luxury. It is a funny and fascinating book that is written in a very accessible way and we certainly recommend it.
Smart Women Finish Rich by David Bach
The book Smart Women Finish Rich was written by David Bach and has appeared several times on The Oprah Winfrey Show. As one of the few books on how to make money, this book was written specifically for women.
It should encourage them to start their financial planning and pays special attention to well-thought-out financial education.
In any case, it is a book on how to make money that I definitely recommend. With over a million copies sold, I’m certainly not the only one who thinks so.
The Automatic Millionaire: A Powerful One-step Plan to Live and Finish Rich by David Bach
The book begins with a story about an average American couple who, despite an average income, manage to have a million dollars in savings and two houses when they retire.
One of the most important messages is that you don’t need to make a lot of money to become a millionaire, but that you need willpower and you have to have a plan of action.
Unlike many other books, it is written very realistically and is based on all kinds of principles that are easy to put into practice.
Making Money with Yourself by Tony de Bree
Tony de Bree shares his golden rules for success and talks about successful collaborations, specializations, access to different income sources, and smart shopping.
As a banker, Tony was responsible for dotcom entrepreneurs for many years, until he learned enough from them and became an entrepreneur. He has grouped his experiences in this book.
The Art of the Deal by Donald J. Trump
Donald J. Trump will always be known as the 45th President of the United States, but in a previous life, he was a successful businessman.
As a real estate entrepreneur, of course, he knows all about doing business where everyone wins, and he has also proven this regularly on the international stage. His presidency is certainly not without controversy, but his book The Art of the Deal offers several important tips for anyone who wants to succeed in business.
Here he explains how to meet the people you need, how to use them for your personal goals, and how confronting your enemies is part of that.
The Millionaire Fastlane by M. J. DeMarco
The Millionaire Fastlane is about getting rich quickly.
The book explains why an office job, indexes, and economics will never make you rich before you are 65. It was written as a true wealth accelerator and also takes into account the bitcoin era. It is one of the few books about money that is so current and is highly recommended.