This Is How I Started My Side Hustle Without Having To Quit My Corporate Job
I created a third revenue stream with my side hustle

I go to sleep at 6 in the morning.
But you’re going to ask me:
Jeeze, but what’s a guy doing after midnight who doesn’t seem to have time to sleep at night?
Do you want to fall flat on your face and grow old before 30?
I don’t always sleep past midnight, or 6 am.
My 9 to 5 job makes my work easier. It is remote. And my side hustle is online. So I have no reason to sell fresh coffee in the summer. Because I have a third income stream from passive investments.
Beyond that, I bought government bonds that don’t expire until 2050.
I’ve already handed you my story. Now I’ll hand you my philosophy:
Pretend that everything is OK
If someone wants to go to the best nightclub in the city or to a celebrity’s private party. You just act as you belong.
This is how people get on the guest lists. Acting talent is very useful for this because it helps you appear with a certain habitus.
For example, the more confidently you move at galas and greet stars, the less your presence will be questioned.
I started writing things that everyone else has written, but I needed a lot of practice. I have about 300 drafts that I may never publish. But I pretend it’s all right. I am a top writer on 6 topics (finance, economics, entrepreneurship, business, investing, and self-improvement).
If you choose to be a writer like me, don’t let an editor take away your hunger to write. Pretend that every rejection is part of the process. Grow with the rejection.
Surprise your audience or client
You simply create facts by walking into the parking space or simply advancing at the checkout counter. You can pretend you don’t even realize that someone is in front of you.
Or park the empty shopping cart next to the intended cash register and then go and pick up the things that were “forgotten.” Then cross the line concerning the long parked shopping cart.
Do this, go to the shower, and come back with a brilliant idea. Listen to the voice in you that you ignore. And go write something.
Ask for favors
You are asking someone to do you a favor, like making copies of a document for you. Oh yes, and while he is at it, he can also fill up the toner and bring a briefcase with him when he is away from home.
The thinking behind this is: If the first wish is fulfilled, it is also possible to do bigger things, so it will be harder for the other person to reject other wishes.
When you deliver the best results, your audience will kneel down and pray in front of you. Success is a consequence of what you do, even if you don’t mind getting paid on the first trip.
You praise your audience, reader, or patron
You first praise the person, which increases their likability. And then you allow yourself a good education, even if the customer or reader is rude to you. Here too, it will not be easy for the other person to defend himself or herself from you immediately.
Make your reader shake like a leaf with the best content
They will want more.
And they are a lot. They will want quality in quantity.
At this point, you shouldn’t make it mushy, go back to the shower again, and when you get back, go write something else. Repeat this process until you can afford a private editor.
Learn to say no
For clients who pay $1 per article, of course.
Saying no has nothing to do with being reckless; it’s healthy selfishness. For self-protection.
I dropped an online writing project about NFTs (non-fungible tokens) with a guy from Poland.
It wasn’t scalable. I love scalable income.
Be consistent. Don’t get soft
It may be that someone who has always had success with you with certain requests is persistently trying their luck. However, they send the wrong signals, so that in the end, you will not be taken seriously with your wishes if you agree to help again.
The lesson is to be a badass in everything you set out to do.
You have made your audience hungry. Go feed them.
A side hustle is not just for Millennials. Pick yours today and start making money online. It doesn’t matter if you are 14 or over 67.
Start a side hustle and create a third revenue stream
Remember I said at the beginning about my third revenue stream?
Financial markets. Dividends and derivatives.
You can call it lazy investing. I call it to star income. Although I like scalable income better.
But the trick here is not to put all your eggs in one basket, not to have only eggs, and not to have only baskets.
When I am financially free, I will launch 10 online projects in a single year.
It doesn’t matter if you work at McDonald’s, go work for yourself. Even if you have to sleep at 6 in the morning like me. Don’t go soft.
He who watches the wind will never sow, and he who looks at the clouds will never reap.