Your job. Your Financial Situation. Your Financial Happiness.
Don't let anyone tell you what to do with your money.
A few days ago I saw a woman in a Mustang in a lane next to a shopping center in the city where I live.
This woman was busy talking on her cell phone. While on a phone call, she remembered that she still had a call to make. But she said she will wait until she gets to the office to call this other person.
Because she doesn't like having to always explain to her husband why she would be late again tonight because of "urgent business commitments." But if she doesn't present better numbers this month, her boss will probably not give her a promotion.
This is a permanent distraction.
Our attention is not a companion we would like to have. Even our attention to money and business. Our attention is more like a kind of womanizing, escaping to listen to a group of laughing teenagers chatting.
In fact, most of our attention is undirected. Our attention is completely indifferent to the monetary cost.
I still remember wearing the same jeans for weeks when I was in school. Not because I couldn't afford new clothes. But because I didn't want to pay more than absolutely necessary. That was my financial situation. I didn't let anyone tell me how to dress.
I value what I have. And I have what I need.
The central question is: What are my needs? Once I recognize them, I can throw away all unnecessary ballast.
My money. My lifestyle.
It doesn't matter what you think. I will dress the way I want. I'll work the way I want. With whoever I want.
Suddenly, money worries are no longer an issue when you focus on your terms. Buying according to the latest trends no longer plays a role.
I wouldn't be completely broke with a lifestyle where I depend less on money to live.
My lifestyle is too radical for me because when you live in unity with people of the same vibe, you live without worrying about money. This does not mean that money is not important anymore. Living without worries is better.
I usually buy my products for my long hair at the discount store. Again my money is my financial situation.
So work with a list and not much can happen to you financially.
Accumulate human capital through good education and continuing training.
Build up an emergency reserve. That way you don't slip into overdraft in case of unexpected expenses. Between three and six monthly salaries or monthly expenses should be sufficient.
Start with the most profitable investment: get out of debt. The risk-related return on deleveraging easily outweighs any return on equities. The daily doesn't even need to start with this comparison.
What goals are you pursuing with your investments? What sums should be available and when? (Key word: investment horizon).
Separate retirement planning from risk planning. No mixed product, such as endowment insurance, that does not dominate one or the other. Product choice determines returns and flexibility.
Don't leave financial decisions in the hands of others. Hardly anyone is as concerned about their own money as you are.
Only you know how hard you work, how much you earn, and how that paycheck will make it to monthly expenses.
Stop worrying about other people's money advice. Your money your financial situation. Live your own way.
This article is for informational purposes only. It should not be considered Financial or Legal Advice. Not all information will be accurate. Consult a financial professional before making any major financial decisions.