This article is a bit misleading, in that Millenials are making more money than previous generations, however the money that they have is not the same value as it was. Look at thr prices of houses, college tuition, healthcare and new cars as an example, they have risen astronomically yet real wages have stagnated. It's less that Millennials are actually better off but rather the cost of EVERYTHING has risen around it. And with many Americans only one major illness away from bankruptcy, either from losing their job or the price of out-of pocket healthcare with no government subsidized healthcare options available above breakeven wages , this makes Millenials more vulnerable to macro economic changes even if they do have any savings
Nowadays, it's possible to have many sources of income more easily than before. You can earn in dollars and move to a country like Brazil, where the currency is devalued but the quality of life is good.
You can work remotely, make passive income online and travel the world and live in a country with a cheap cost of living and still save money and have a good life.
This article is a bit misleading, in that Millenials are making more money than previous generations, however the money that they have is not the same value as it was. Look at thr prices of houses, college tuition, healthcare and new cars as an example, they have risen astronomically yet real wages have stagnated. It's less that Millennials are actually better off but rather the cost of EVERYTHING has risen around it. And with many Americans only one major illness away from bankruptcy, either from losing their job or the price of out-of pocket healthcare with no government subsidized healthcare options available above breakeven wages , this makes Millenials more vulnerable to macro economic changes even if they do have any savings
Nowadays, it's possible to have many sources of income more easily than before. You can earn in dollars and move to a country like Brazil, where the currency is devalued but the quality of life is good.
You can work remotely, make passive income online and travel the world and live in a country with a cheap cost of living and still save money and have a good life.